So my wonderful sister Britt tagged me in her blog The Adventures of Josh and Britt in this thing called write it out where you write the answers to the questions instead of typing them. I don't feel my handwriting is the greatest and it kinda fits that I am going into the medical field. It's legible but not as cute and fancy as my sisters is. Let's do this...
Here are the questions:
1. What's your name / blogger name?
2. What's your blog's URL?
3. Write "The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog."
4. Favorite quote?
5. Your favorite song?
6. Your favorite band / singers?
7. Anything else you want to say?
8. Tag 3 - 5 other people.
Here you go!
Last weekend my friends Dan and Julie took me, my brother and our friend Liz to Montana with them to go skiing and it was a blast! I didn't do as much boarding this trip as I could have/would have liked to but that was my own fault.
We went to Lost Trail and it was great! They had fresh powder and it was actual snow! We don't really get snow like the snow they had because its too wet here in Washington. It was a great day though!
I was able to meet some cool snowboarders and watch a competition
This is a picture from one of the competitions (not taken by me)
Liz and I having fun while being bored from being in the car so long
Well hey there! So a lot of changes have been happening this weekend and they are all things that I am really truly excited about! To start things off My buds Canela and Willy were put in charge of a new Sunday school group at our Church, Newlife.
They are both apprentices there and its been crazy awesome watching both of them really grow in both their relationships with each other and their relationship with God these past few months. But yeah they were approached by the leaders and asked to start a group for 5th and 6th graders. The 5th and 6th graders are all too old for the kiddie group (kids theater) but not quite old enough to be able to sit there in the adult service and understand what Brandon is talking about. So it's called Zone56 and I was asked by Nella to be a group leader for it (big item #1) This Sunday was the first day and it was a big hit. There were 22 kids there and Willy did a great job! We talked about Solomon and it was weird seeing by bud Willy who I've known since we were these kids age and when I think of him I remember the Willy that used to be obsessed with baseball and would pull out chairs before I sat in them. I never would have thought that he would be where he is today but it makes me so happy that he has. He has come so far from what he was and I know God has big plans for both him and Canela.
(this is us @ a Creation Fest 2008)
So big thing #2 is that after being a part of the Bainbridge Bible Chapel youth program since I was in 6th grade I am now a leader at Newlife's Bainbridge youth group. I was approached by a fellow leader at Newlife and asked if I would be interested a while ago. I didn't want to leave BBC because it was where I felt I wanted to be and I had friends there and yadda yadda yadda but as time passed I realized that yes I the youths wanted me there but I wasn't needed. They had no great need for me to help most of the kids at the youth group are either graduated of graduating this year and so I will remain close with all of them but after much thought and prayer I feel led to where there is a need for leaders for young high school girls. I'm so thankful for this opportunity and I hope I can help show God's love to these girls and really help them through these difficult years. At their ages I wished I had a Christian girl a little older than me (who wasn't family) that I could talk to about stuff so now I have a chance to do that and I'm so thankful for that! Tonight was my first night and the topic was True Love we read out of 1 Corinthians 13 and it really amazes me how pure and great God's love is compared to ours. My favorite part lately is in vs. 2 "... and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." We can have the greatest knowledge of God and know everything but if we don't act on that faith is it really there because God calls for us to LOVE not just to have faith. How can we show our faith to others if we don't love? I really enjoyed this evening :)
Next week we're starting a new series though called If You Really Knew so check it out it should be good!
OK final change and this is by far my favorite!!!! I have finally reconnected with my buds Mary and Milo! It's great! We used to be buds when we were younger but as we got older we went our own ways and drifted apart for various reasons but now that we are back together at Newlife we have been hanging out and Milo might be working with me at the pool!!!! I'm just thankful to have these girls as well as the other leaders at Newlife in my life now because for a while I had been praying that God would bring good Christians who were my age into my life and he has :)
( Mary aka Merv and Milo aka Meatloaf)
OH and here is a video of 2 of the other leaders doing a rap for youth on Tuesdays :)
(Not going to lie after watching this I finally finished part of my own rap I'd been working on since CCBC)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
{one} ice: crushed or cubed?
Crushed... I like to chew on my ice so cubes are a tad difficult to chew
{two} what is your worst traffic pet peeve?
When people ride my car's butt! I got rear ended not to long ago and so I'm so freaked out when cars are close so when I can't really even see the car since its so close thats not good
{three} what room in your house best represents your personality?
Well since I live with my mom I'd have to say my room cause it really does represent me... I've picked out my decorations and it is covered with posters and pictures but its mine :)
{four} do you save old birthday cards?
I think I have every card in general that I have gotten since I was around 5 saved... In my dresser drawer I have a stack of all my cards its fun to look back at what people say.
{five} when was the last time you went on a picnic?
I haven't gone on a real picnic in so long! My best friend Canela and I used to go the beach on the South End of the Island and have picnics all the time in the summer. It was so Gorgeous!
{six} do you regularly check your horoscope?
No, sometimes at work when we listen to the radio I'll hear my horoscope but other than that nope.
{seven} when you’re home, what do you wear on your feet?
Nothing! I hate wearing shoes when I'm just hanging out around the house
{eight} what’s your favorite gambling game?
I don't really gamble... I have only gone to the casino near our house around 3 times ever and while there all I did was play penny slots.
I know I'm a real big spender :P
{nine} have you ever written (or started writing) a book?
Yes, when I was little I wanted to be an author and so I started to write a story about my life. I got about fifty pages in and gave up because I felt that my life was too boring and that no one would want to read about it.
I LOVE writing though! It is a great way to get your feelings out and I've always felt that my words come out a lot easier when I'm writing versus when I'm speaking
{ten} what is your favorite musical?
Hmmm.... some of my favorite musicals are Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Wizard of Oz and The Sound of Music but my favorite musical would have to be Chicago.
Hi! My name's Claire and this is my blog. I love my friends, but I love my family more! There's nothing better to me than being on the water on a nice summer day which might have to do with the fact that I am a swimming instructor and a lifeguard. I love fun music, dancing, pretty much every sport, freckled lemonade, the color green, cupcakes and keepin' it real! ...and I love Jesus!